Thursday, 17 October 2013

Wild Damson Gin and Sloe Gin recipes

Do you see them? High up in the tree. Yes wild damsons are still to be found as indeed are sloes if you look around the hedgerows so with Christmas in mind here are our recipes for both Damson Gin and Sloe Gin. Make them now and they'll be ready to decant for the festive season. They do make rather super gifts if you can bare to share:

Damson Gin
You'll need:
1lb/454gm of washed wild damsons
 6 ozs/168gm of white sugar
 75cl of gin
Large sterilised jar

Prick the washed damsons with a fork or something and put in the jar, add sugar and gin. Shake daily but keep the jar out of sunlight. Around Christmas time strain off the liqueur and bottle.

Sloe Gin
You'll need:
 1lb/454gm of washed sloes
4 ozs/112gm of white granulated sugar
 75cl of gin
Large sterilised jar
 Prick the washed sloes with a fork or something and put in the jar, add sugar and gin. Shake daily but keep the jar out of sunlight. Around Christmas time strain off the liqueur and bottle.


  1. A friend made some Sloe 'Eau de Vie' last year, a bottle of which I was given. The taste is much the same as for Gin, but with a ridiculously powerful KICK.

  2. Come join in My First Giveaway!

    Heidi x

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